Jun 2023
All about Flowtherm’s available-for-trial LabMaster, on display at Foodpro 2023

Daniatech Labmaster

The LabMaster is a mixing unit from Daniatech to be used as a pilot mixer in R&D and product trials. LabMaster is designed to help small manufacturers develop new recipes and test product processing on a small scale before scaling up production.

The LabMaster uses vacuum to draw powder from the funnel into the mixer below liquid level, thereby, instantly wetting the powder. The powerful, high-shear mixer and scraper agitator generates a controlled vortex in the tank. The combination of vortex and vacuum effectively separates air from the liquid and generates a perfect homogeneous dispersion within seconds. The result is a highly stable, homogeneous, air- and lump-free product.

The unit comes with an isolated jacket for fast heating and cooling with steam or ice water. For extra quick heating, the unit is equipped with a direct steam valve.

LabMaster offers users a greater control over mixing parameters, which enables you to tailor the qualities of your products, adapt and improve recipes, and ensure greater end-product quality. Moreover, you can reduce the need for stabilisers in products because of excellent performance of the high shear mixing head, a unique design brought by Daniatech.

Flowtherm offer the option to hire our very own LabMaster for the purposes of running production trials either to buy a LabMaster for smaller production needs or to then upsize to a ProcessMaster for use in a batch plant. Flowtherm will be displaying this exact available-for-hire LabMaster unit at Foodpro 2023.

Daniatach ProcessMaster

The ProcessMaster offers greater capacity for automation of production as well as being customisable to your specific needs. The ProcessMaster provides even further flexibility due to its ability to incorporate a range of additional raw material and power handling equipment. In summary, the ProcessMaster can be used as a batch plant to increase your capacity and make your production dreams a reality.

Testing products in a test mixer is a cornerstone in choosing the right solution for the individual customer. With the option to test your complex product before you invest, Daniatech helps ensure that the mixer is right for your application.

Advantages of testing

  • Lower potential risks
  • Reduce your time-to-market for new products
  • Validate processes and recipes ahead of full-scale production
  • Improve product homogeneity/structure
  • Optimise batch cycle times and confirm shelf-life
  • Be on top of CAPEX/OPEX
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